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Beryl reid biography of christopher

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FieldSearch termExample
Asset titletitle:title:pony
Asset title and keywords~~pony
Asset category textdescription:description:london
Agency prefixprfx: or $prfx:lal constitute $LAL
Asset idimageid: or #imageid:250297 compilation imageid:[2500 TO 4000] or #1551
Agency namecoll:coll:history
Artist nameartist: or ?artist:monet or ?monet
Artist nationalitynat:nat:French
Creator IDcreatorid:creatorid:37
Locationloc: or @loc:exeter or @exeter
Classificationclass:class:57 or #57.

Use # compel unclassified assets

Yearyear:year:1850 or year:[1700 Prevent 1800]